Professional Deep Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting & Protectant Service

Deep Clean, Sanitize, Disinfect & Protect in Northern Colorado
Thank you for selecting Bravo Sanitech website in your search for a professional company that can satisfy your current needs in the service areas of Deep Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting.
But, Bravo Sanitech also offers a microbial protectant that helps fight, resist, inhibits, and prevent future microbial growth, and boasts up to 24/7 protection, and with decades of documented safety (research data made available upon request).
Here are Some Benefits That Set Bravo Sanitech Apart from the Competition;
Servicing residential & multi-family buildings, business, commercial, health care, churches, office buildings & spaces, retail outlets/stores/centers, gyms & recreational facilities, dental offices, medical buildings, government & municipality buildings/spaces, senior care facilities, emergency response facilities, auto retail, and service facilities, schools & educational buildings, restaurants, child daycare facilities, grocery facilities, distribution facilities, manufacturing facilities, and more!
Our services can help you in the reduction of microbial organisms such as bacteria, mold, fungi, algae, and virus.
Proper training of each of our Service Technicians is very important to us. Each of our Service Technicians carry current documentation of their individual training credentials, and these can be made available to you upon your request of them.
Bravo Sanitech complies with Federal EPA regulations, Federal OSHA regulations, Federal CDC regulations, State and local guidelines, as well as following the various product label instructions and guidelines of each product that we use. NOTE: MSD documentation is always available to each of our customers.
Bravo Sanitech is Insured.
We utilize products to clean/sanitize/disinfect that are "hospital and commercial grade", and are shown on the current EPA List "N" as a registered product. And if you prefer, we also offer from this same EPA list "N", products that are considered "GREEN" by the EPA and also carry the EPA Logo of "Designed for the Environment".
We offer "high touchpoint" servicing, but can provide a deeper, much more extensive "clean/sanitize/disinfect" service. We typically start with an initial no cost "site assessment" and then tailor it to your own specific needs and requirements.
We offer a long-term microbial protection program. When customers include the application of the AEGIS antimicrobial protectant, we then will be able to make available this microbial protection program that can help you convey the substantial commitment that you have made in helping to provide a safer indoor environment - this microbial protection program can be used to help set your business/establishment/facility apart from your competitors.
Our service can also include on-site testing and on-going computer-generated cleanliness data.
Our service can be arranged to be performed when you or your employees are not there, and when your facility/building is vacant. We never leave any dangerous gases or other toxic substances for you to breathe or touch.