Commercial Tile Floor Cleaning in Greeley, CO
Carpet & Rug Services
(IICRC Certified Firm)
Carpet and Rug Cleaning
For a moment, think of your carpet or rug as an indoor air filter, and this doesn’t matter whether either of these are in a home or a business. Your carpet or rug can collect a wide range of foreign matter on its surface as well as trapped deep down into the yarn and its fibers. Regular vacuuming with a quality vacuum is very important. Often, vacuuming can remove a great deal of the loose debris on the carpet and rug surfaces as well as it can help with the removal of foreign material trapped down in the yarn and its fibers. But unfortunately, vacuuming simply isn’t able to remove everything that might lie on the surface, and especially gets trapped down in the yarn and fibers. For example, here is a list of some very typical un-wanted foreign materials that is found in carpet and rugs: unseen dirt (solid grains of feldspar, granite and other non-organic earthen material that can abrade your carpet and rug fibers down within the pile), oily soiling, spots of many kinds, bacteria and other micro-organisms, human or pet body fluids or waste, food and drink materials, snow and ice melt materials, many different types of chemicals (these can range from fertilizers and pesticides to a vast range chemicals – many in very low doses are considered harmful to human and pet health), dust mites and other small insects (dead or alive), dust, hair, residue from spraying many different products used within and throughout your home or business, and allergens (either from within or from outdoors).
By investing in a professional carpet or rug cleaning serviced by BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care, you can trust and rest assured that you will have fresh, clean, and sanitized carpets and rugs. Our commercial grade “CRI” (Carpet and Rug Institute) certified equipment and products along with our knowledge and training of the proper use of the equipment and products will get the job done right. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers several methods of cleaning carpet and rugs. Two of these methods includes high-quality truck mounted steam cleaning and “VLM” (very low moisture cleaning). BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care also offer green carpet and rug cleaning using products that carry one or more of these industry recognized seals, “Green Seal”, “EPA’s SAFER CHOICE”, “IAQ” (Indoor Air Quality), “Wool Safe”, and more.
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care ultimately provides our customers an awesome deep clean, safe, fast drying carpet and rug cleaning experience. Choose BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care when you want a cleaner carpet or rug!

Carpet Repair and Carpet Stretching
If you are looking for someone that can provide one or more of the following: clean and treat carpeted subflooring for odor then install new carpet padding and then clean and reinstall your carpet, carpet stretching to remove waves or ripples in your carpeting, repair carpet seams, repair carpet damaged areas caused by pets, repair loose carpet on stairs or steps, replace old or damaged carpet padding or cushion, carpet repair with areas or spots that have been burned or have lost color, carpet repair holes in carpet, repair loose and sprouting carpet yarn, repair carpet backing that is coming apart (delamination), and much more! These types of issues mentioned above can be very embarrassing when friends, family or customers see them. They can also cause, in some cases, trip hazards and considerable depreciation value of your carpet. We can power stretch carpet to remove ripples, waves and other loose areas. We service glue down carpet that has been damaged, and with we can remove or replace carpet tiles, and we repair area rugs. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care’s prompt, knowledgeable, and trained service technicians are glad to help you with any carpet repair issue that you may have.
Carpet and Rug Odor Service
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers a wide variety of methods in dealing with potential carpet or rug odor issues. Most common odors are from pets or other animals, cigarette or smoked tobacco or other substances, cooking odors, musty odors, waste odors. Odor service is also our expertise, and we do our best to give you an honest evaluation of your odor problem, with as many options as possible to try eliminate the odor. Most odor treatment methods we offer are safe for use indoors and are not known to harm people, children, pets, plants or effect your indoor air quality.
Natural Stone & Stone Service
Natural Stone and Stone Cleaning
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care has training and certification (with corporate stone care manufacturers and with IICRC) and will clean and maintain your Stone with the goal of making it look like new again. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care cleans and services many types of natural stone surfaces such as granite, marble, travertine, onyx, slate, limestone, quartz, and more. Servicing stone is a specialty of ours, since we utilize a vast array of professional grade equipment and commercial grade products to make your final stone service experience a quality experience. When working with natural stone materials, the hardness or termed as “Mohs Hardness” is the determining factor on what equipment you use to clean with, as well as what products that would work best and are safe for the particular stone that you’re working with. We service and clean stone surfaces that can be found on walls, shower and steam baths, flooring, kitchen backsplashes and counter tops, even used in the making of furniture and more.

If there is grouting accompanying your stone, we will clean and service that as well. In many cases the products we use to clean with are safe and most are considered green by the US EPA. Even though Terrazzo isn’t a natural stone, (typically concrete or Portland cement is poured in and chips are added of one or more of either colored marble, porcelain, or glass that is mixed in) we do service Terrazzo as well. We service even concrete with large stone inlayed in it as well. We also can clean coarse stone (even man made concrete formed looking stone), or even brick used for wrapping around fireplaces, wall surfaces wall facings, wraps around columns or posts and other.

Natural Stone and Stone Repair
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers professional natural stone repair (of granite, marble, travertine, quartz, and other stone repair – even non stone “Terrazzo”). We perform stone repair on (but not limited to): stained stone or scratches in stone flooring or counter tops as well as other surfaces, as well as water and mineral rings, household product damaged stone surfaces, film and product build-up on the surfaces, chips, cracks, light burns, etching of the stone surfaces, sealing or re-sealing of all stone as well as surrounding grout repair, and we can even remove and replace stone tiles. On stone flooring when something was mounted to the stone flooring and was removed leaving bolts protruding out of the floor or they’ve been removed prior, we can either remove these bolts and or repair former holes that are left. We also remove or repair silicone abutting joints as well.
Natural Stone and Stone Buffing & Polishing
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers professional natural stone and stone buffing and polishing. These stone surfaces can be on flooring, walls, ceilings, counter tops, walls back splashes, shower or steam shower walls, in furniture inlays, and we will buff or polish. We can even “grind” or “hone” uneven stone. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care will treat your stone with the utmost care, when buffing or polishing. Here again, the buffing or polishing of different stone determines perhaps what equipment is used, the speeds used, the types of products used, the amount of time necessary, and more. Whether your goal is simply to “spruce up” your stone, have maintenance performed, or to have restorative polishing we would be glad to help. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care also offers a few different specialized commercial sealer designed for stone (some made specifically for certain types of stone) that can be applied after your stone has been buffed or polished, or maybe all you need is the application of a sealer – we can handle this for you.
Wood Flooring Services
Wood and Hardwood Floor Cleaning
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care professionally cleans many types of wood and hardwood flooring. It doesn’t matter how soiled your flooring is, we can clean it. Properly cleaning wood and hardwood flooring means using cleaning methods that utilize very low amounts of water-based cleaning agents along with cool to warm temperatures. We offer a variety of commercial cleaning agents made specifically for the cleaning of such flooring without leaving residue. We also offer a variety of safe but effective specialized wood and hardwood floor cleaning equipment. We also offer wood and hardwood floor maintenance cleaning as well as restorative cleaning.

Wood and Hardwood Floor Repair
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers professional wood and hardwood floor repair. Examples of repairs we provide service for (but not limited to) are: wood or hardwood floor damaged board(s) removal and replacement with new, scratched and dented wood or hardwood floor repair, stained wood or hardwood flooring, rotten wood or hardwood floor boards, wood or hardwood floor filler popped out, and more.
Wood and Hardwood Floor Sanding and Finishing
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers professional wood and hardwood floor sanding and finishing (refinishing and even staining of your wood and hardwood flooring). These services are offered for solid wood and hardwood flooring and engineered wood and hardwood flooring. Our sanding provides a virtual dust free sanding indoor environment, while allowing us to complete the entire service of your flooring in a prompt and efficient manner. Our sanding process helps remove wood and hardwood floor scratches, dents, stains, levels out floor boards, and other issues. We can, by sanding, remove an old stained board color that perhaps you’re tired of, and apply a new fresh stain color you will love! Our stains are ultra-low “VOC’S (low noxious odors) and some are ready for finish as quickly as two hours after they are applied. Our finishes are extremely durable, and some have up to a 90 percent cure rate in 24 hours, some offer great “UV” protection (from the sun’s ultraviolet light), are ultra-low “VOC’S” (low noxious odor), abrasion resistant, and more! We can also apply additional wear layer(s) of finish to your existing flooring, BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care takes the time needed to service your wood and hardwood flooring.

We stride for quality, beauty, at a fair cost. We treat every wood and hardwood floor service as a chance to perform a statement of artwork and craftsmanship!
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is a proud member of “NWFA” (National Wood Flooring Association)
Concrete Floor, Dyeing, Staining, and Other Related Services
Concrete Cleaning
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is certified IICRC with regard to servicing concrete along with certifications that have been awarded from attending and passing corporate manufactures classroom courses. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is able to clean all types of concrete surfaces such as indoor and outdoor concrete flooring, garage flooring, business and commercial concrete flooring, warehouse concrete flooring, concrete sidewalks, concrete walls, concrete counter tops, concrete basement floors, retail concrete flooring, and more. The cleaning of concrete can be more technical then one might realize (it’s more than using a little soap or detergent and washing or power washing it off)! Depending on what you are trying to clean, or what your goal is, you have to take into account the materials you are trying to clean off, plus concerns for the surrounding environment. Yes it can get fairly technical. But BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care has the professional equipment, products, and knowledge that can help you get the concrete cleaning results your after. We also have the ability to recover our cleaning waste so that it will not cause environmental contamination concerns, and we also have concrete green certified cleaning products. Our concrete cleaning services range from power washing concrete surfaces, removing graffiti, removing oil off concrete, gum off concrete, rust stains off concrete, food spills off concrete, and much more.
Concrete Repair Service
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is able to assist you with certain types of repairs to your concrete. We provide repair services for polished concrete surfaces, for dyed or stained and/or sealed concrete surfaces, for various epoxy or resin coated surfaces, for acrylic coated or sealed concrete surfaces, and other. Repairs of concrete “based” surfaces (indoor and outdoor concrete) consist of but not limited to such things as: removal of existing damages, yellow fading, finishing or sealer that is “ghosting”, peeling off and other. We also can repair chipped, cracked, spalling, and other concrete surfaces. We can level concrete slabs that are uneven. We utilize professional grade equipment and have dust recovery equipment, which meets OSHA’s requirements.
Concrete Surface & Finish Enhancement Service
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is pleased to offer- Concrete Surface and Finish Enhancement Services. This category actually covers a fairly diversified range of services, so we will touch on some of the popular service (but please contact us if you don’t see a service, you’re in need of – we likely do it). BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers: new or old garage floor coating service, we can remove any old existing concrete applied coating, then apply new fresh “flake” (offering a variety of flake sizes and colors), epoxy finish, dye or stain your garage flooring then apply top coating(s), metallic epoxy colored coating, simple clear coatings, and more. These services mentioned above can also be performed on other concrete floor surfaces. We can apply new layer top coating on cement surfaces that can be stamped or stenciled on to look like brick, stone, and other things. We also can grind and or polish your concrete then seal it. Perhaps you’d like a stained or dyed company logo on your concrete surface after it’s been polished then sealed. We can polish your concrete and then stain it, then seal it. You see there are endless possibilities that can be done with concrete. Many people have stamped exterior concrete sidewalks, driveways, patio areas that need cleaning and re-sealed, we also do that. We also can polish, stain, seal, and apply metallic epoxy coating on interior concrete floor surface such as basement flooring, slab on grade concrete surfaces, concrete patios, and other. We encourage you to contact us concerning any concrete issue you may be looking for, we’d be glad to help you or refer you to someone else if we can’t assist you.
Odor Control & Odor Neutralization Service

Odor Service
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is certified by IICRC in the servicing of a wide range of odor related issues. Odor issues can begin in many ways, and can be noticed within a piece of furniture, in your flooring or carpet, in or around a wall, within one or more rooms, and really just about everywhere. The cause of the odor can be caused by one or multiple things, and sometimes the odor someone notices won’t even be noticed by someone else. Some odors can be just overwhelming pungent, while others can be faint enough to be yet bothersome. Sometimes certain odor issues are hard to eliminate, and often each person’s odor complaint or issue can be basically the same as what most everyone has experienced and yet in trying to treat each issue, the actual procedure might differ to some degree for various reasons. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care has a wide range of very effective methods in dealing with many different odors no matter how strong they seem to be.
Several of these methods use products that are completely safe and non-toxic, while others if needed can be utilized where the outcome is safe for use again. We will be honest and upfront with you when trying to help you with your odor issue, and will often offer some suggestions as well as a variety of ways or methods to deal with your odor issue. We will explain what each expected outcome will be. We service odors such as pet odors, human odors, smoke odors such as tobacco or marijuana, food and cooking odors, wood burning odors, dead animal odors, some chemical odors, paint odors, carpet odors, rug odors, furniture and upholstery odors, vomit odors, odors in buildings and garages, odors coming from heating and cooling systems, musty odors, and more. We encourage you to call, and explain your odor issue and we’ll do what we can to help you.
Resilient Flooring Services
Resilient Floor Cleaning
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is equipped to professionally clean and service all types of resilient flooring. Resilient flooring is somewhat of a catch all term. But it is described by the (RFCI) Resilient Floor Covering Institute as a flooring that is firm, yet has a give or a bounce back effect. Here is a list of some examples of resilient flooring: sheet vinyl flooring, linoleum flooring, cork flooring, rubber flooring, and polymeric poured seamless flooring, asphalt based flooring, (VCT) vinyl composite tile, (SVT) solid vinyl tile, (LVT) luxury vinyl tile, and (LPT) luxury plank tile. Please note that a few of these mentioned floorings actually have been around for quite some time, while a few others have died out or are still around but sales are low. With others, product quality improvements have caused them to just explode in sales.

Asbestos was once used in the manufacturing of a few of these in their earlier days, flooring products containing asbestos in the late 70’s has been banned by the US EPA. We can safely clean all of these flooring surfaces, even with asbestos. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care is equipped with a vast range of equipment and products (many are “certified green”) coupled with skilled training and testing of our knowledge in proper cleaning of these various floor surfaces. As a special note: BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care can safely clean laminate flooring (this type of flooring isn’t typically considered resilient flooring). Of all these different flooring surfaces mentioned, some are best cleaned with as low of a moisture as possible to avoid possible future problems with this flooring. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care can typically remove surface soiling such as gum, color marker marks, ink spot, food and drink spills, pet issue, oily soiling, road tar, many paint speckles and spills, and more.
Resilient Floor Repair
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care can perform an assortment of repair needs as it pertains to some types of resilient flooring such as: sheet vinyl, (LVT and LPT) luxury vinyl tile and luxury plank tile, (VCT) vinyl composite tile and solid vinyl tile (even some laminate flooring). Depending on what the damage or issues are on a case by case bases there is a good chance we can handle your specific repair needs.

Resilient Special Services For Your Resilient Flooring
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care can clean resilient floor coverings, and strip any existing acrylic floor finish (wax) that has been applied previously. We can then apply an acrylic finish to your floor. There are a few different types that are made specifically for certain floors. Please note, some of these finishes actually don’t contain any wax at all, while some have a small content of a special wax. If your floor actually does paste wax on it, we can likely service this floor for you as well. Commonly, (VCT) “vinyl composite tile” flooring needs regular stripping to some degree, and then some amount of new acrylic finish (wax) applied afterwards. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care can perform other types of services that (VCT) floors typically receives at regular intervals, or special circumstances pertaining to some form of maintenance such as spray buffing or burnishing.
We also polish floors as well. We offer stripping agent(s) that are “green” as well, and most of our floor finishes meet or exceed ASTM D-2047 specification (Federal Specification regarding a floor finish “Static Coefficient of Friction) – in essence making a flooring less apt to be slippery.
Tile and Grout Service
Tile and Grout Cleaning
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care professionally cleans indoor and outdoor tile and grout floors, walls, counter tops, kitchen and bath wall splashes, bathroom tubs and showers, steam showers, gym lockers and showers, wet areas, and more. We offer a diversified “arsenal” of cleaning equipment such as steam cleaning, to chemical treatment, to polishing tile and grout. Our desire is to make your tile/grout look like new again. We take the time necessary to accomplish this. We not only can clean organic soiling from your tile and grout, but we can handle issues effecting your tile and grout such as cooking oils and grease spotting, mold and mildew, staining, discoloration, moldy and silicone joins, oily soiled filmed tile and grout, and water and mineral spotted tile and grout. We’ve turned nasty looking tile and grout to look like they did when they were new. Also, most of time, we can be use a professional certified green cleaning products, without the use of harsh chemicals.

We even clean glass doors and panels as well. Our quality of tile and grout cleaning stands out as awesome! And as a benefit that you will receive from our service is that your tile and grout will be sanitized! We also offer cleaning on a maintenance schedule as well as restoration cleaning, and all services are offered to residential customers, as well as to business and commercial customers. We even service wood saunas and the flooring (made of wood or tile and grout).
Tile and Grout Other Services
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers service for your tile and grout including tile and grout sealing, repairing grout that has cracks or missing pieces of grout, removing and replacing tile that is chipped or a broken tile. We can also clean and polish metal fixtures and parts or glass components accompanying the tile and grout being serviced. We also clean and service tile and grout wrapped bath tub bases, and shower bases (composed of either porcelain, fiberglass, or terrazzo (concrete with marble chips), or simply tile and grout. We can remove mineral deposits, and adjust door closures if needed to make a good seal again.
Furniture, Upholstery, Fabric and leather Service
Furniture, Upholstery, Fabric and Leather Service
BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care offers furniture, upholstery, fabric and leather service. When your fabric covered sofa, love seat, chairs, cushions, ottoman (foot stool), or any other fabric or cloth covered furniture needs cleaning, please give us a call. We can help make them look like new again. We treat and clean furniture, upholstered and fabric sofa’s, love seats, pillows, chairs, office sound dividers for issues like: soiling, greasy spots, pet issues and pet hair, body fluids, odors, food soiling and spills, all while sanitizing them! We also offer total green cleaning for your furniture. And we also offer fabric soil and spot protection application service, using “3M Scotchgard Fabric Protectant.” And if you have furniture that is leather, we also clean and service leather furniture. BRAVO Carpet Cleaning & Care service technicians are also certified with IICRC in servicing fabric furniture.